Today Live Currency Exchange Rates in Noida

Currency Note
Currency Name Buy Sell
US Dollar 84.50 83.50
Euro 90.80 90.50
British Pound 106.5 105.5
Canadian Dollar 62.70 62.00
Australian Dollar 55.20 54.80
UAE Dirham 23.30 22.80
Thai Baht 2.41 2.38
Malaysian Ringgit 18.75 18.00
Singapore Dollar 62.90 62.00
Indonesian Rupee 0.0062 0.0052
new zealand 52.00 51.00
Hong Kong Dollar 11.40 10.50
Chinese Yuan 12.70 11.50
Japanese Yen 0.60 0.555
SAUDI RIYAL 22.90 21.50
SWISS FRANCS 81.80 79.00
Russia ruble 0.96 0.85
swedish kroner 8.60 7.90
Danish kroner 11.90 10.90
South african Rand 5.40 4.40
Oman Rial 195.00 182.00
Bahraini Dinar 208.00 185.00
Kuwaiti Dinar 246.00 230.00
Norwegian Kroner 8.75 7.80
Srilankan Rupee 0.45 0.38
Korean Won 0.065 0.05
Turkish Lira 12.50 8.80
Phillippine Peso 1.61 1.00
Mauritius rupee 2.36 2.04
vietnam Dong 0.0044 0.0022
Bangladesh Takka 0.85 0.74
QATAR RIYAL 20.50 15.00
usd 73.50 72.50
Travel Card
Currency Name Buy Sell
US Dollar 84.10 82.40
Euro 90.40 89.00
British Pound 105.65 104.1
Australian Dollar 55.30 53.30
UAE Dirham 23.00 22.00
Thai Baht 2.51 2.30
Malaysian Ringgit 18.95 18.00
Singapore Dollar 62.25 61.00
Indonesian Rupee 0.00 0.00
Hong Kong Dollar 0.00 0.00
Chinese Yuan 0.00 0.00
Japanese Yen 0.00 0.00
South Korea Won 0.00 0.00
SWISS FRANC 81.30 80.30

Live Currency Rate in Noida or greater Noida

Noida is known as the greenest city of India because the roads are lined with green trees. With nearly 50% green cover, the highest in any city in India till now, Noida is considered to be India's greenest city.

Are you looking to exchange INR to US dollars in Noida or greater Noida? Now, you can get your forex at your home at best rates by just placing an online order online at You can also check live rates of US Dollar today in Noida or greater Noida from gurujiforex live forex rate card.

How to Get Best Us Dollar Rates near me in Noida or greater Noida?

Here are the simple 3 steps to get the best online US Dollar price in Noida or greater Noida:

Step 1: Go to website ( You can also call at +91 9311771772 )

Step 2: Check Online exchange rates by entering your location. You will see the current dollar rate prevalent in Noida or greater Noida. We don't have a Today US Dollar Rate in Noida or greater Noida because no such thing exists. The US Dollar Rates don't remain stagnant for a day. They fluctuate.

Guruji Forex offers the best American Dollar rate in Noida or greater Noida. The top locations to get the best dollar to Rs rate in Noida include Greater Noida, Noida Sector 62, Noida Sector 18, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Bulandshahr. With Dollar to Rs in Noida or greater Noida or USD to INR pair being among the most popular ones, the demand to find a better USD exchange rate in Noida or greater Noida has always been high. Noida or greater Noida, The New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA) and Greater Noida are two different planned cities. They are also referred to as ‘industrial townships’. They are located in Gautam Buddh Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh and are part of the National Capital Region (NCR). hundreds of money changers in Noida or greater Noida have operated out of big and small areas and have grown considerably due to tourist activities. revolutionized the way people checked USD rates in Noida or greater Noida. USD exchange to INR became super easy and quick because it was the first platform which gave people in Noida or greater Noida live and real-time check on US Dollar exchange rate in Noida or greater Noida.